Baller Club is our loyalty program to thank our Ballers. Earn miles automatically with every purchase and redeem them for exclusive rewards.
The more you shop, the more you’ll get.
How It Works

Create an Account

Earn Miles

Get Rewards
Baller Club Rewards

Become a Baller Today
Join the Baller Club and enjoy special rewards, exclusive promotions, and personalized events just for you.
Frequently Asked Questions
In order to join the program, just click "Create an account". Once you have done it, you are welcome to participate in all actions we have prepared for you to earn miles.
You can earn miles by completing actions listed in rewards tab. Just click on "Rewards" tab to see the list of activities available for you to take part.
Its very simple and straightforward. Just click on "Rewards" tab and you will see the list of all discounts you can redeem your miles for.